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How to Treat Tennis Elbow at Home

11/2/2021 - Guest Writer Sarah M. - Racquets & Paddles

Is tennis elbow pain preventing you from playing? Learn how to treat tennis elbow at home fast so you can get back out on the court.

Tennis elbow is a repetitive stress injury that causes pain in the elbow and arm. Repetitive forearm movement, like gripping a racket during a swing, can strain the muscles and tendons. Stressed tendons can become inflamed, painful, and sensitive.

Keep in mind tennis elbow develops over time and it’s not always caused by playing tennis. Racquetball, squash, and badminton players are also at a higher risk. If you take quick action to treat tennis elbow, you might be able to avoid more extensive medical treatment like physical therapy.

6 Ways to Treat Tennis Elbow at Home

How do you heal tennis elbow fast? The good news is that with a little TLC, tennis elbow can heal on its own for many people. Check out these at-home remedies to help relieve discomfort, reduce inflammation, and speed up the healing process.

1.Try The “RICE” Method

The “RICE” Method is often one of the top suggestions for injuries like tennis elbow. RICE is an acronym for Rest, Ice, Compression, & Elevation. Compression is excellent for reducing muscle fatigue, while the support of a splint forces immobilization of the elbow, allowing it to rest. Talk with your doctor or physical therapist to learn more about which specific type of brace or compression garment is best for you.

Applying an ice pack on the affected area for around 15 to 30 minutes, 3 to 4 times per day, can help reduce inflammation and tennis elbow pain. Instead of applying ice directly to your skin, wrap the ice pack in a kitchen towel. You can also use a bag of frozen peas or corn you have in your freezer! Continue to use ice until the pain subsides. Finally, elevate your arm as needed to help reduce any swelling.

2. Lots of Rest

While it may sound obvious, solely resting your elbow is one of the best ways to reduce excessive irritation or inflammation in the elbow area. If you’re experiencing tennis elbow pain, try to limit the movements that triggered the inflammation.

You can still work, exercise, and do your daily activities as long as you avoid arm movements that could irritate your tendons more.

3. Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers

How do you heal tennis elbow fast? Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen, naproxen, or aspirin can help quickly reduce pain and swelling for more immediate relief. OTC pain relievers don’t necessarily ‘treat’ tennis elbow, but they can significantly ease discomfort linked to it. However, if your pain persists after a few days of using these medications, contact your doctor. You might need a different treatment plan.

If you’re looking for a more organic route, try applying essential oils as topicals to the elbow. The most common pain-relieving essential oils include peppermint, lemongrass, lavender, eucalyptus, and cypress. Always follow the instructions on the essential oil packaging for the best results.

4. Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods

This is one of the more natural ways to treat tennis elbow at home. Try to modify your diet to include more anti-inflammatory foods.

Here are a few of the top foods to fight inflammation.

- Leafy greens like kale, swiss chard, and spinach

- Berries, pineapple, strawberries, oranges, and cherries

- Nuts including almonds and walnuts

- Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines

- Coconut oil and olive oil

- Beets, mushrooms, peppers

- Apple cider vinegar

5. Use an Elbow Strap

Once your pain begins to lessen, consider using an elbow strap to help protect your injured tendon from further damage. Elbow straps can also provide additional compression and support.

Other products like KT tape (kinesiology tape) help support aching muscles and tendons without limiting mobility like a splint.

6. Exercise & Stretches for Tennis Elbow

Gentle exercise and stretching are usually recommended once you’ve overcome the acute pain of tennis elbow. Subtle movements and exercises can help break up adhesions in the area and reduce the discomfort of tennis elbow in the long run.

Before you begin implementing any type of exercise plan for tennis elbow, consult with your doctor or physical therapist.

The Best Tennis Racquets for Tennis Elbow

A heavier racquet will absorb more shock in most cases, meaning a racquet with more weight can be helpful if you have tennis elbow. However, a racquet that’s too heavy can cause more stress and lead to poor form.

Have you considered arm-friendly tennis rackets like the V-Feel 7 to help eliminate tennis elbow pain? It’s all about finding a racquet that feels good and performs well without adding unnecessary stress to your tendons.

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